2023-"Adventure Awaits"


The 2023 Design Contested ended on Wednesday, January 26, 2022.

On Saturday, January 29, 2022 the Board of Directors reviewed 78 submissions in an all-day meeting narrowing the designs down to 8 finalist.

On Thursday, February 3, 2022 the entire paid membership was invited to a special "Pick-The-Float" meeting where the 8 finalist were ranked from 1 to 8.

On Wednesday, February 9, 2022 we attended the Tournament's Theme Draft meeting where we submitted and registered our top two designs. On Tuesday, March 1, 2022 we were notified that our first choice submission with the working title of "New Adventures" was accepted.

"New Adventures" was submitted by Burbank resident Robin Hanna, this is her first time winning our design contest and was also submitted by Richard Burrow from Mission Viejo, CA.  This is Richard's third time winning our design contest (first time was for 2013's Fantasy Trophy winning float "Deep Sea Adventure", second time was 2017's "Home Tweet Home").  CONGRATULATIONS to Robin Hanna and Richard Burrow as our 2023 Design Contest winners!

On Saturday, March 5, 2022 the Design Committee held its kick-off meeting which was open to all members and used this time to brainstorm ideas and changes to enhance the float and help turn it into a rolling entertainment float. 
Several ideas were presented but by the end of the meeting, some ideas needed to be let go while others will be tried out.

After the Saturday, March 5, 2022 meeting a new line drawing was released showing some of the changes the committee was interested in making.
On March 15, 2022 the Design Committee incorporated additional changes and released this draft drawing on the right.


The Design Committee reviewed the drawing and recommended additional changes.

On March 24, 2022 the Design Committee released its latest line drawing update.  Some of the major changes and considerations are:  Images of people have been replaced with stick figures. Gender, racial and ethnic identity, height, weight, costumes, etc., will be determined by the rider committee.

The floating character next to the mountain goat is a bighorn sheep which is being considered by the Design Committee.

On April 6, 2022 the Design Committee release the final line drawing without showing the float riders.  This will give our Decorations Committee a clear view of the float to start planning the colors and materials.

On April 21, 2022 the General Membership voted on a new float title.  They reviewed 41 different possible float titles before picking the winning title.   The float will now be called "Adventure Awaits".

On July 17, 2022 the final color rendering was released now showing place holders for the live riders we plan on having on the float.


Board of Directors and General Membership's Pick-The-Float Meeting photos

Design Committee Brainstorming Meeting Photos

Hang Gliding Lesson/Research Photos

Hang Gliding Videos (YouTube)

Summary:  https://youtu.be/9GjHuNHJSwI

Video 1 of 3:  https://youtu.be/epS-oJ88d3U

Video 2 of 3:  https://youtu.be/sU1Q9PvMIBg

Video 3 of 3:  https://youtu.be/SHHt0bNk5p4

Test Drive #1 Photos

Open House and Craft Faire Photos

Construction Photos

Foaming the Float Photos
KTLA Morning Show Interviews (KTLA's Website)

Float Judging Schedule (.PDF)

Test Drive #2 Photos

KABC Interview Photos

KABC Interview (KABC's Website-December 22, 2022)

KCET-What Does It Take to Make a Rose Parade Float? (KCET's Web Site Video)

KCET-What Does It Take to Make a Rose Parade Float? (YouTube Video)

2023 Award Winners (.PDF)

PTORA President, Amy Wainscott, Friends and Family Float Tour Photos

Fantasy RV Tour Group Photos

Deco Week Photos
Parade Day Photos

Post Parade/FloatFest Photos

Annual Banquet Photos
Annual Banquet Program (.PDF)

Award Photo Presentation to Burbank City Council Photos

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