Burbank Tournament of Roses Association Green Initiatives The Burbank Tournament of Roses Association has for many years been a leader in conservation, reuse and recycling. This includes the float, the float building and dismantling process and the float Construction and Decorations site.
The Float ü Use of clean burning propane to drive engines. ü Use of one engine to drive all animation—eliminating the need for separate engines for hydraulics and A/C power, this reduces heat, fuel, noise and exhaust, in addition to saving space within the float.
Float Building and Dismantling Process Building ü Use steel from previous floats wherever possible ü All scrap steel is recycled ü All clean paper and cardboard is recycled ü Most of the float’s annual electrical wiring is used wire
Decorating ü Recycled water is used to keep the fresh flowers alive ü Recycled water is used in the flower vials
Dismantling ü All organic material is either dried for reuse or composted by the City of Burbank ü All flower vials and buckets are cleaned and reused ü Steel is saved for reuse or recycled ü Some float characters are reused/repurposed for local community parade
Float Construction and Decoration Site ü The building (a warehouse) is a showcase of energy conservation which includes the following o Fully insulated, cutting down on temperature extremes and noise o Skylight eliminate the use lights during the day o Tankless water heaters used at all sinks o Waterless urinals used in bathrooms o Pushbutton toilets used in bathrooms so that only the proper amount of water is used o Motion sensor placed on soda machine to power off machine when people are not around o Energy efficient lighting used throughout the building ü Active recycling program including paper/cardboard, plastic bottles and aluminum cans |
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