2012 - The Dream Machine

Congratulations to Clark Jellison of Palmdale, CA for winning the 2012 Design Contest.   His winning design is depicted on the right.  Clark has designed six previous floats for Burbank including:  

1973  Neptune's Daughter

1974  The Beauty of Birds

1976  Let's Celebrate America's Natural Beauty

1977  High Adventure!

2000  To The Future...At Full Throttle!

2001  The All American Barbershop Quartet


Clark also rode on the 1972 Burbank float titled "I Love You For All Seasons".

After our first Design Committee meeting, we discussed the story the float was trying to depict.  Was our sleeping child dreaming of one thing dream (above left) or multiple dreams (above right).   We also wanted to see how the float would look if the bed crane was removed and the bed lowered (left).

After seeing these drawings at our second Design Committee meeting, the direction was to leave the bed crane in and work on a single dream.  The Design Committee felt this presented a story that has a beginning (the child sleeping) a middle (the dream machine) and and ending (the final dream).

On the March 12, 2011 Design Committee Meeting, three new drawings were presented.   These drawings includes the changes discussed at the last Design Committee meeting, which includes moving the bed crane forward and making it a little bit smaller, removing the planets, adding more machine elements and adding a "dream meter" to show which dream the child has picked. 

The Design Committee reviewed these drawings and decided to combine elements from all three into the next version of the design.

  The Design Committee was presented with the next version, which included a new "ending".
After looking at these two drawings, the Design committee liked the change from the astronaut to the rocket ship, however as drawn, it would be difficult to lower to under 15 feet, which is required to get out our building and under bridges.  The Design Committee was also interested in a version without the front crane.  
The Design Committee meet on Saturday, April 2 and decided to keep the front crane, but turn the hook into a claw--which will help better explain the float story.  Below shows the claw version.

Work continues on refining the design, especially on the font of the float.  This version shows the dreams being picked up by hoses.
Work continues on refining the design, especially the front of the float.  The next four drawings show two options with each option shown in Black and White and in color.  Please note these colors are not the final colors, but just put in to highlight the various sections.  Since these drawings were done in pencil, they did not reproduce very well.
In the drawing to the right shows a simple front end along with "smoke stacks" in the front to hide float operators.
The picture on the left is the first mock-up test for the color rendering
However, minor changes continue to be made.
The two drawings below are the same, however the left side is shaded.  These are the final line drawing.  Next step final color rendering.

The picture below is our final color rendering.

Construction Photos

Mechanical Inspection and Test Drive #1 (MI/T1) Photos
Test Drive #2 (T2) Photos

2012 Parade Line-up (.pdf)

Judging Schedule (.pdf)

2012 Float Trophy Winners (.pdf)

Judge's Comments (.pdf)

Various photos by Jeff Helgager
2012 Rose Parade Photos
Burbank Float Parade Photos
Audio Description of the Float (.MP3)
Driver's Compartment Heat Sensor
Parade Day Video (YouTube)

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